Monthly Archives: November 2015

On the Benefits of Being Your Own Doctor

Who is your Doctor?

Think about it. Really think about it before you read further…

OK. Did you think it through?



Now. What is your Doctor’s name?

Don’t answer publically and do not look it up.

Do you know this person’s first name?

If not. Think again.

Do you know Their last name?

Yes? Good, I expect that most people reading this probably know their primary care provider’s first name.

Oh, you didn’t pick your PCP? Try again from the very top, please.

OK, by now I’m guessing at least some of you have remembered (no cheating) your Doctor’s First name.

Have you?

If you have, please, keep reading.

If not, kindly go back to that step and think again.

OK. So, if you’ve gotten this fair I’m going to guess that your memory is not compromised in some way.

If you aren’t sure what “compromised” means in this context I will gladly explain myself.

Compromised – Altered. Impaired. OR banjaxed. (If you aren’t sure what the third one means, please ignore it.)

Alright, you’re doing just fine. Keep going.

Now, if you think I’m a bit crazy at this point, please feel free to let me know.

If not, thank you for reading this far and please continue.

Next step, you know your Doctor’s First and Last name. Great! (If not, you’re still doing just fine, but your memory may be a slightly impaired. That’s OK, but check with your Doctor the next time you see them just to be sure. Remember, they ARE the Doctor you chose.)

If you feel you did not choose your Doctor, please call the medical center or clinic at which you receive your health services. If that is also your Doctor’s Office then great! Their receptionist can tell you over the phone what your Doctor’s full name is and you should not have to make an appointment. If for some reason they will not give you the full name of that Doctor, take caution, that Doctor may have been assigned to you.

What does that mean?

Thank you for asking.

That is just medical jargon for “You did not Choose Your Doctor.”

If your Doctor has been assigned to you by someone else and you aren’t sure who that was. Throw up a mental red flag. Don’t panic yet, but be careful.

Next question. (Again, be careful about posting ANY personal information here or anywhere on the internet. You don’t know me and I don’t know you. It’s the internet, imagine that people are reading what you write even if you’re pretty sure no one does. SOMEONE, is likely reading your words if they are in the Web.)

Where was I?

Ah yes, the next question.

Have you ever been committed to any institution for mental healthcare treatment?

Think about it carefully.

Have you ever spent a stay in hospital of any kind where you personally had to sign paperwork?


I’m going the guess that most people still reading this long post have likely been “committed” to some healthcare facility for at least one reason (that is, for mental healthcare or not) at some point in their lives.

Now, if you’ve never had to sign paperwork at an emergency health services center. Your answer to “Have you ever been committed to any Institution…?” should probably change to yes.

If you still say no to that question go back two questions please and reread the one about being committed for mental healthcare treatment.

I’m going to skip ahead here because I’ve probably lost the TL;DR crowd.

If you now know the answers to all of the questions I’ve asked and you feel comfortable sharing small amounts of personally identifying information, by all means, feel free to do so.

IF you do not feel comfortable doing so and you do know all the answers to those questions, please ask yourself this question.

Are you being watched?

Not to make anyone feel paranoid, but you probably are in one way or another.

By “watched” I Do NOT necessarily mean physically.

What I mean is: can anyone see personal information about you on the internet (This DOES include Social Media. That is: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and any other website even remotely like that.)

Has anyone EVER known your full name?

If not, I’m starting to feel a little concerned for you.

Now, if you DO feel as though you are being watched AND do not feel comfortable sharing at least your First, Last and middle initial here or anywhere on the internet then I’m hypothesizing that you are either getting a little paranoid or have a VERY good reason not to.


If you DO have a VERY GOOD REASON not to post personally identifying information:

PLEASE. DO NOT start sharing it here.

You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT in your decision not to share your PII publically.

If, on the other hand you’ve decided you are feeling a bit paranoid then try to relax. Maybe take a break and do something that calms you, whatever that is (so long as it is safe for YOU to do).

So, now, I will repeat a question or two and reword some others.

Who is Your Doctor?

Do You KNOW Your Doctor?

What is this person’s FULL NAME?

Did YOU Choose THIS Doctor?

Do YOU like THIS Doctor?

Do YOU TRUST This Doctor?

If ANY of the answers to these questions is NO…

Throw up a red flag and please, see a new doctor when possible.

DO NOT continue to see a Doctor that YOU DO NOT KNOW.


AGAIN, what do I know? I’m just the person behind the keyboard.

Feel free to call me out or correct me if you feel better.

However, IF You Do:


Do you want ME to be your doctor?




this post

and share it.

Thank You.


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